Halloween Movies: Free on Amazon Prime

Last year I put together a list of holiday movies that are available via Amazon Prime to watch for free. I thought I'd highlight some scary or Halloween ones that are available in case you are staying in and passing out candy and want some themed entertainment.

1.) Beetlejuice - Great movie. One that I am sure everyone has seen at least once. And Halloween is the perfect time to watch it again.

2.) The Witches - One of my FAVORITE Roald Dahl books and the movie is pretty good too. 

3.) Mad Monster Party - I haven't seen this one but I love Boris Karloff's voice.

4.) The Addams Family and The Addams Family Values - I know I've seen both of these and I think I liked the first better than the 2nd.

5.) Practical Magic - Again, I know I have seen this - but I don't really remember it. But since its free, I can just watch it and turn it off if its not good.

6.) Interview with the Vampire - I am not a Tom Cruise fan. But I am a vampire fan. So it evens out. I really like this one. Probably one of my favorite vampire movies.

7.) Queen of the Damned - I am partial to this movie because Aaliyah is in it. Another vampire movie, from when vampire movies weren't teenage love dramas.

8.) Scary Movie (and Scary Movie 2) - If you want to go for the funnier side of scary - here you go.

9.) Scream - One of the movies that Scary Movie is making fun of. It would be fun to watch this first - than Scary Movie. See which one is funnier.

10.) Carrie - This movie gives me the creeps. But its well worth putting on this list.

Ok, I must stop now. I haven't been able to get through one movie since the baby - so I don't think I'll be watching all of these - but hopefully at least one.

What is your favorite scary or Halloween related movie?

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